My Nephew David wrote a poem that best describes Ashlees life!
Written by David Crager
ASHLEE was like the tail of a peacock always colorful and fun loving in many ways but never the same way. The peacock, well the peacock was everybody that ASHLEE meet. Who’s ever life Ashlee came into had become the peacock and ASHLEE was their tail of many colors and ASHLEES’S as she shared her fun loving happiness in their life. So I just hope the last memory that everybody has of ASHLEE is not the great extent of BLACK clothes in one room were all the wearers of the clothes are sadden, but the BRIGHT colors for all to remember the last thing about ASHLEE is all of the life’s she has brightened up with joy and all the eyes she has opened to a fun, happy, and loving world and how she was able to block out the cold, dark, and cruel world that we actually live in today. So everybody just remember that my cousin actually no my LIFE-FUFILLING, FUN-LOVING, FRIEND, and cousin is now in a better place and ASHLEE is watching over every last one of us.